Child's full name (required)
Date of birth (please note that children born in 2019 or after will not be accepted)(required)
Select the number of weeks you wish to attend —Please choose an option—1 week2 weeks3 weeks4 weeks5 weeks
Select the dates you wish to attend 25/6-28/61/7-5/78/7-12/715/7-19/722/7-26/7
Afternoon club (13:00-14:30) —Please choose an option—YesNo
Name of Parents / Guardians (required)
Contact number (required)
Parent's Email Address (required)
Any health problems / allergies? (If yes please specify). (required)
I give permission for my child's photos/videos to appear in LittleScientists Social Media YESNO
As a parent/guardian of the applicant and with our doctor's agreement, I declare that my child is healthy and can take part in the athletic activities of the Summer School. YESNO
Any other comment? (i.e. I wish my son will be in the same class with his friend)
Data Protection & Confidentiality: The information provided on this form is confidential and will be retained, used and disclosed by Little Scientists Education (EE55745α). Little Scientists Education takes its responsibility with respect to data security and confidentiality seriously, we aim to embrace and adopt the principles contained in the EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (GDPR) , ensuring that information requested from you is adequate, relevant and not excessive. The Policies we have in place, in respect of Data Protection, meet the EU GDPR directives and are available on request. We may keep your data on file to contact you regarding future events.
E-Signature of parent / guardian (required)